Friday, February 1, 2013


Charlie McDonnell (known also as charlieissocoollike) is one of my favourite youtubers. He is a British boy, two years older than me, born in Bath, now living in London. I found out about him and, in general, got introduced to Youtube community by my Spanish friend Maria. We met in London during an English course three years ago. One day we were planing what to do and we were browsing websites with news about different events going on in London. That day there was a free display of Toy Story 3 on Laicester Square. I don't know why we decided NOT to go. Probably we went for some boring museum visit (ok, not THAT boring but still...). I can't remember what exactly we have done instead. But I remember what happened the day after. We visited Charlie Mcdonnell's Twitter and saw... a post from Laicester Square, from free display of TS3. Back then it didn't mean so much to me, but now, every single time I see him on the internet I can't forgive myself and I never will. If I had been that day on the Laicester Square I would have met him!

Here is Charlie, propably the cutest person on Youtube ;)